Saturday, January 22, 2005

Saturday Morning...I Have Fun

Today..really very tired lehz...kinda ache all over from head to toe...maybe really didnt sleep well yesterday...I woke up at 8 early....I better catch an early sleep no mood swing...wa...cos nobody disturb me about those problems...and I have a great day with my class..though I went off without them(cos I have to find my younger sis...she's left all alone...)..I really enjoy the day...2 more weeks towards common test...must work on my microecons lehz...cos im really very bad at econs lehz...I have no interest in those stuff...really dunno how come I pass macroecons...I hope the week ahead will be a better one for me...and i'll definitely miss TB25..cos no skool next week...but im still going back to skool to study at the library with stacy and long never see fangz liao lehz...miss her boyfriend must not forget me hor...see you on mon when we meet up for revision hor...hmm...he still haven accept my request...but im still holding on...I wonder how long can I hold I still have the determination to hang on?? I believe I will...cos thats the power of love...we are still at the same stage...friends with daily smses....Getting tired le...really feel like falling asleep...but ocom topic is not out...maybe tommorrow we'll continue...I really cant stop myself from yawning....tommorrow still have to attend church....nitez....
PS:Yesterday a history I dont want to forget...
Today is present I cherish it
Tommorrow is future I'm in search of that path.....
© Brigitte Khoo Jie Bin

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