Monday, July 20, 2015

1 more day to 5 years of breakup.
Looking back, it makes me ponder a lot.
Grown up? Not.
Felt like I am still 原地踏步.
At many times, I told myself to move on.
But to step out seems so difficult.
Not sure what am I holding on.
Sometimes I feel like I am so used to bottle things up to myself, which maybe why I build up walls high.
If I were a bit braver, if I am less afraid of getting hurt, what will be of me?
Another 5 years later, will I be a better me?
To the future me, life is really too short to bottle up so much to yourself.
Letting go may not be easy but taking a step by step could bring you to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Be it relationship or any other, just don't regret on the decision made.
At many times I want to close down this blog but it had many memories that I do not want to delete.
Perhaps, when I am gone or lost my memory, there is something to look back.


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