Saturday, March 03, 2012

Its Saturday!
Am on duty today!
Was a real hectic day!
So many orders to release for the day!
Well, its means more money for the company!
Such a boring day...
Meeting galfrewns later for some chilling and gossip session!
So looking forward!
I love it when I am with them!
You can never imagine how many thoughts women had been thinking
And we just need someone to share with!
Whatever the emotions we had....
The confused mind when faced with many situations
Women are not that strong at times
Fear of making the wrong decision
Especially when it is the insecurity that is obstructing..
That is also my weakness..
Always feeling the insecurity
What makes it worst is I don't even say it out!
When I felt uncomfy with him being so close to girls...
I didn't mention much and take it with stride saying that I am ok...
I just don't always speak whats in the mind and what I felt...
Acting that I am fine with anything when actually I am not!
I am trying to learn to be more opened up towards my own feeling and thoughts..
Well, Aja Aja Fwighting Brig!

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