Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Still down with Flu.
Well the virus had been on-going for 3 weeks and still going strong
I guess I need more proper rest.
Over the weekend was all about running shoes hunting
Head to IMM, Jem, Westgate, Jcube alone last Saturday to hunt for it
But couldn't find that right shoe.
Sunday godbro jio to hunt again
So we headed to town for the hunt
Well, in the end he got his shoes.
I just got a Under Armour cap!
I need my running shoes to resume our Thurs workout!
So I head alone to IMM again
Finally I got a Nike Zoom in black!
That kinda sums up my weekends and walking more than 15K steps each day
2 more days to endure till my colleague is back from her holiday
I hope she don't take MC the next day
I am drowning with her work.
Aja aja fighting!
Till then peeps~

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