Sunday, September 24, 2006

Introducing JAY CHOU Album~

Today went shopping with long never go shopping....we went to around for shoes...cos mum wanna buy some shoes so I brought her to Far East...Then we went to Lido for a Pepper Lunch and I treat her that...hehe....after that we went to Bugis to have a walk....nothing much just window shopping....cos I am now practising it....dun wanna do any impulse shopping le...hehe....short post here....tmr need to work again....Working is BORED....oh yar....I haven introduce JAY CHOU's NEW ALBUM here....Wahaha....his album is called Still has more of his usual style of music which consist mostly of the 中国风... shall write in chinese view, please click view, encoding and unicode.....首播主打歌是<<千里之外>>里头有跟费玉清的合唱部分...虽然两人搭配有点怪...但也随着歌名<<千里之外>>...把"千里之外"风格的两个人合在一起...里头也收集他拍电影的歌<<菊花台>>...他在唱这首歌咬字特别清楚...除此之外我要推荐<<听妈妈的话>>...在歌词里写着他对妈妈的尊敬...曲风也不用说了就只有一个字能形容 "吊"...想听些抒情的歌曲<<白色风车>> 非这首歌莫属...歌词含义也真有意思...此外<<红模仿>> 里的歌词带一点俏皮...<<夜的第七章>>里的MV有侦探查案的局情...和歌非常搭....<<本草纲目>>里曲风带有RAP...非常轻快...以上是我本人的立场推荐周杰伦<<依然范特西>>希望大家也去听听看吧!

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