Weather: cLoudy
Location: my friends house
Emotions: moody
Location: my friends house
Emotions: moody
ToDay No ScHooL...Kinda still brooding over the things that happened few days ago...Really too many things happen...Though they really meant me well but i really believe that he's a nice person...after all humans have temper...need to say him...I believe in him and that what said is just at the fit of anger...I know he is the sort of the ah bengs...but he is not those extreme kinda who fight,smoke and does those that one ah beng does...don't ask me how I know it...I just know long never see all my friends...really hope to catch up with them...i miss so them so much especially Anqi, Sam, Yubing,shihui,sidi,stacy,fangz, long never see them...haiz..Life so full of ups and downs....really need alot of courage to face all those...but having all those friends by my side supporting me, encouraging me...I believe things will turn out least I know I am being cared and concern for...thanks alot to you all really help me to persevere more and to be able to bravely face those problems rushing on me... through this I have learnt to be stronger and you all made me believe that i'm not alone facing those problems....hope that all those problems will soon be solved...
Msg to all my friends:
,,,.+' i wiLL '+,
(,") siT hEre
((")(") & pRay
i h0pE tHaT tHe PeRs0N
wHo'S rEaDiNG tHiS wiLL bE bLeSsEd
wiTh evErLaStiNg hApPiNesS aNd
sMiLe aLwAyz...tAkE CaRe 0f y0uRseLF
aNd kEep iN coNtaCt w0r~!
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