Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Caught the Avengers End Game last Sunday
And it is definitely worth the almost bladder burst for this 3 hour movie
Iron man totally won my tears
Shall not be a spoiler for those who didn't catch it yet
Today woke up feeling more of the aches and fever
Suspect Dengue and head to polyclinic
But doc ask me to monitor for a few days before taking the blood test
Oh well
So I worked from home while feeling the ache bedridden
Hopefully it is not dengue
*Cross fingers*
Till then
I still feel the fatigue from the India Trip...

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Last night in Bangalore
Finally managed to tide through the 3 days being so busy
Couldn't sleep well during the stay though the luxurious of the hotel
Left eye keep twitching like it is a sign of some bad omen
Just hope it is due to tiredness only
Had an atas Indian Cuisine dinner at ITC hotel to end this trip
Need a good soak in the bath tub to end the night

Flying back tomorrow noon to home!
Hopefully a better sleep tonight
Till then.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Just reached Bangalore Hotel
Not sure why tears just flows suddenly while I was on the plane
And when I reached Bangalore Airport
I saw he updated his display photo
Heart wrenched even more
Not sure why my instinct is always so sensitive
Forcing a smile with a wrenching heart was tough
But I am going to tide through for this business trip
I thought I could ignore it
I thought I was stronger than this
Perhaps more time needed
Perhaps if he tell me that he had moved on with someone better
And that he is much happier with her
Which I believe he is now
I will not wait like I said I would
Love, something so fragile.
Promises, so easily broken.
Till then.
Need some food.
Had been losing weight too much.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Had a terrible nightmare
Breaking into cold sweat from it on Thursday
To add on, very bad diarrhea too
Left office half day to see doctor
And yes, its another gastric flu attack
Just this time it is a little more serious than the previous.
Lost 1.2 kg in just half a day
Slept the other half of the day
Couldn't manage to get out of bed on Friday.
Sleep through the day
Did my first #rollingeyes tiktok at first take
Something fun to curb over the boring sick day
And now, after sleeping too much,
Start working on the project
Aja aja fighting!
Till then peeps.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Yes 933 updated their Podcast of the My Story section.
Mine was being read out on Friday which I missed it due to a conference call.
Word for Word, it still prick the heart.
But thats how harsh that part of my story is.
Wrote it selfishly, purely with all my emotions.
Sometimes "hate" came upon me
But I know I couldn't even do it.
Just have to keep it in a corner of the heart
A part of my life story...

面对爱情不太会冒险的我, 也勇敢的抓住我认为的幸福.
因为是网络认识的, 心里总是有许多的不踏实, 但他总是一再的确定我们的爱情有多真实.
历练多的他, 就像是我的导师, 总是能指引我对的方向.
承诺过的 "除非你先放手, 我会一直握住你的手.“

但这幸福很短暂, 他最后决定松开我的手.
他最后一次送我回家, 路途好像比平时远, 步伐比平时更沉重.
道别后, 我们头也不回的离开.
一瞬间的, 无奈的我, 狠狠的又被退回到一个人的生活. 

他曾经给的诺言, 已成为虚伪的谎言.
烙印心里的回忆, 已成为痛心的倒叙.

眼泪, 它却川流不息.
伤痛, 狠狠刺痛着心.
心, 碎了满地.
他, 已离我而去.

谈恋爱时, 那些情歌显得多甜蜜.
分手过后, 同首情歌显得多悲伤.

Monday, April 08, 2019

Still having problems with sleeping.
Perhaps, need to try to exercise more before sleep.
Pretty blue Monday.
Gonna start busy with India Trip Preparation.
Till then.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Midweek Wednesday.
Boss just informed I need to go to India 21-24 Apr with a project champion.
And ask me to stay at hotel after work.
Sounded so scary.
There goes my plan for Good Friday long weekend.

Didn't blog as often but shall still try to update once in awhile.
Sleep wasn't good all this while
Like a hunch of something really bad will happen.
Just hope that everyone will be safe and healthy

Work getting more hectic with more work to do for the projects
Guess it is better this way for now
Keep the mind busy rather than the heart aching.
Till then.

Song of the day: 放不下的活着 by 插班生