Weekend is coming!!!
But Im not looking forward to it!!
Sat have to come back for course...
Ahem. How to handle difficult customer...
Wonder if does it help??
Attended quite a number of such courses but seems like theory cant be put into practical in real life...
We shall see...
Coughing with all those nose blowing...
Cant feel my nose now and am with that sexy voice for weeks!!
*shoo shoo virus*
When I was last sick with all this...
I had someone making me ginger coke for work...
Making sure I drink finish...
Reminding me not to OT...
But now.. I dunno how to make that ginger coke that taste just that...
Well, guess I need more rest bar!!
Beauty sleep!!! On Sunday lo...
*drowsy drowsy*
Must be the after effect of the medicine...
Wonder I can tahan for the work...
Aja aja fwighting!!!!
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