Today was a great and busy day...My church having Feast Day crowded with games and Nice food....Happy Feast Day to the Parish....after the feast day I went to IMM with my mum....cos she say she wanted to buy a steamer for ironing clothes easier....ahaha...but in the end we dint buy cos we thought it is not really that great after we went to Giant and bought some groceries...VERY TIRED!! cos have been walking or rather standing for hours....went back tv...did nothing for the whole its the chinese valentine day...guess what...ULTRAMAN(who has Jay's mesmerising eyes) msg me....he is the first to message me since the clock strike 12 for the day....really very surprised by that...cos he dont often msg me...and the message seems so NICE!!!hehe...when I saw his name appeared really cant help feeling that my heart beat is faster than the norms....he is someone who makes my working life at motorola last boring especially when I am working in the night shift....haha....though we dint talk even a word...but I did those peeping during work and even during those breaks...opppss....sometimes also got eye contact for quite a long time....but was really weird...once it was through the reflection of a mirror....he suddenly looked at the mirror and looked at the point where we see each other for quite a moment...then realise we are looking at each other and then we continue to do our work....weird feeling lo....but I dont think there is anything between....maybe he was just stoning or thinking of something and happen to look at that direction....who knows....I just view it in my point of view.....wahaha...My one sided thinking...I admit he is the first person I paid attention to during my first day of work there....I just dont know why...but he just caught my attention on my first day of work...really...he is just too attention seeking...its really hard not to noticed him....his hairstyle really very cool....and since then I have been wanting to befriend him...but I just too shy...and he is really serious looking....abit fierce(but I think it makes him man!...hehe)He is also quite quiet...and I almost able to talk to him when we played "Zhong Ji Mi Ma" during work on New Year Eve and I am forfeited whereby I were to talk to a guy and make friend with him....but Ultraman was busy so dint get to talk to him...hmm...those days really fun...though my friends always tease me about it...making me blush real red...those 6 months working there really is a fruitful one...though the last day was a total embarrassment where I dint talk to him when my friends made him stay to talk to me...but I really dunno what to say...then after that I msg him with the number I had gotten from my friend long ago just that I dint have the courage to msg him...the whole msg on that day was really weird and funny....I just take out all my courage to ask him whatever I wanna ask him via SMS....cos if I dun who knows when can I ask him....After that day...I msg him a morning greeting I composed at 7am sharp everyday without fail....waking up at 7am to msg him...abit silly hor...cos he needs to get off the transport at that time...and he often overslept and missed his stop....have been doing that for 1.5 yrs since then...and reply from him were less than a handful....I did went back to take my pay slip....and I made cookies for him and bought him a shirt....on christmas day I also went back to hand him the chocolate I got for him...that was the last time I saw him...25.12.04 *12:01am*....I will remember that time when my friends and I went to him and ask for his number...the expression of his and that smile on his face...I will never forget...though that time he said that he dint have a handphone...was sad that he lied but I'm happy to be able to see his expression so near....ahaha....thats CRUSH lo....but I really feel his "sudden" msgs always warm my heart WITHOUT FAIL... Thanks Ultraman for that msg....It makes the begin of valentine a LOT SWEETER~!! Thanks to my one sided thinking again bar....Anyway you are always the sweetest friend I ever had...Sweet Memories always Stay in the HEART.... *03.12.2003~13.05.2004*
A good start of the day makes the day more worthwhile to start~!!Till then...hopefully I will get through this dreading day...Nightz~!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Ooppss...Haven been blogging...hehe...have been researching for my IBS proposal...really dunno what to write for the proposal le...Arghz...getting nervous now and I dunno if I can make it by wed...cos everything is not yet down...and I feel abit wake up so early just for the sake of the SOM tutorial...8am lesson wor....tired the tutor is so full of crap wor...hehe....but really she is abit bias...prefer teaching that TB what their class is clever...she must teach us just the same way...she seems like she dunno what she is doing...I dunno about it...after that was SIS tutorial...ahaha...was really funny cos they were poking at the tutor dressing and habits...but I feel so bad...say a tutor until like that....hmm...will he feel very sad??? But I like his way of teaching and he is quite friendly??but maybe abit of a generation gap in between bar...hehe...but he is better than the SOM tutor by alot lo....wahaha....hmmm...from my friend...I had learnt to really not take things to seriously...and really to let things go....bothering over it will only make one distracted...I TOTALLY agree to this....Never bother things or even people who take your presence for granted...and also those who wants you to put in more than they do...its really very selfish thoughts...and I really believe that bothering over it only do me no good...Im not going to always be the nice person anymore...your possesiveness is far too much...and I really believe in letting it go since you really dont mean to befriend me... 31 July is coming and I am still alone....come to think of it...I have been like single for many years....ahaha...not to say that I am desperate for it now...but I am one who believe in love and cant leave without least I know I have the love from my friends around me... To some who dunno whats on the 31 is the Chinese Valentine's Day...ahaha...anyway...I had NEVER celebrate Valentine's Day...Cos my relationship never cross that day....wahaha...maybe Im not for relationship at the moment or maybe I haven meet someone that will let my heart beat fast at the sight of him and always the *Blush Blush* friends knows how red I will get (*-^))...thats how I feel whenever I saw someone I like bar...ahaha...NVM bar....Anyway I m glad that my friends have their partner with them...cos I really want them to have their desired happiness and always stay happy....and I believe they are right now...Envy may I be...But wishes are more than that...cos I trully LOVE them...and only those who LOVE them more than I do will deserve my wishes to them...ahaha...sounds weird...but its my way of expressing how much I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!! and I REALLY DO LOVE THEM LOTS!! Exams coming soon...Next week will be the last lecture and tutorial week lo...hopefully I will get through the EXAMS stress bar...but not now...will be 2 weeks later....cos I wont start studying till 1 week before exams....cos I know myself...I will forget if I study early....gttg le...need to do research...hehe...I wish all my friends have a real good day this MONDAY~! Till then lo~
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Today was quite a boring day...Lectures were awfully bored...dunno why I feel like sleeping...have been having sleepless night....Arghz...I'm depriving of sleep....Nice sleep....The Seventh Month starts today...Have been rather smokey outside the house and real stuffy inside the got 2.5hrs break in the middle....went to library with a friend....but she left quite soon cos she got something on....then I got a storybook and read it while listening to the FM on the radio...I finished that book and realised I'm late for CRM lecture...faster speed my way up to LT72...Today lecture halls have quite a number of people....those who I dint see that often came for lectures....Maybe because it is the last lecture bar....really a smooth day...nothing special happened....except I feel quite lonely today...cos my friend left me alone for her I'm with the storybook throughout the break...come to say...I'm getting use to sitting alone in lectures....and I know this makes me look so lonely and anti-social...but I must say "I'M NOT!!" and I really dislike being lonely and friendless....Haiz....IBS last solution selling call...and I'm really very nervous about it...I scared I will screw it up just like the previous call...I'm just those easily nervous kinda people....bless me to be prepared and confident to get through this....Yawnz...I think Im sleeping in early...Need to catch my sleep....Nitez....Till Then~!
Monday, July 24, 2006
It's Just a HAPPY DAY~!
Monday Blues.....Having a real hard time waking up today....Lesson was really bored...especially LECTURE!!! Almost doze off to sleep....really cant stand the drowsiness....I just have not enough sleep...CRM tutorial ends early as usual...and thats GREAT!!! I board on this bus 66 from the shell station!! I was really quite angry with the bus driver....he suddenly brake...and it was really very was at the curve when the bus turning to the bustop after the one at shell...I and the ger next to me "swung" 180 degrees...I almost sit on the poor primary school student...and an old man had a shock...Arghz...was really paiseh...and I think it is quite dangerous...especially when there's quite a number of aged on the bus....could the driver at least ask if everyone is alright...the old man was like so poor thing....almost swung to the front...I take note of the bus no. SBS 2705M....ahaha... somehow I really feel like complaining the service of SBS...getting worse....and they are now trying to increase the bus fare just because the oil price has rise and they are not profiting....OMG...I dont mind if the service is good and the journey is safe that I pay a little more...but nowadays the bus drivers are all recklessly driving and with poor attitude....speed driving, sudden brakes, loud speaking bus driver "DEMANDING" the people to move in....I really dont know what to say about it....ahaha....I realise something....ever since I am in service management specialisation....I have been quite sensitive to the services around me...having complaints and complaints about those poor services....OMG....I'm becoming a complaint Queen....Oh nooooo.....but I must a view of a customer...service is rather important...though I did regret not putting enough effort during my year 1 and 2 to get into Tourism Management....but I'm still glad that I got into service management...I really enjoyed it...though some modules doesnt seems to be link to service....overall I find it quite beneficial in handling with during lunch....had a great time talking with my classmates( Ria, LiJuan, Gin)...we laughed alot!! Really very funny...we were talking about our primary school days....dunno how we drift to that topic....really very fun....cos they are nice people....hehe....getting to like my class...although I am always the quiet one....hehe...I am the quiet one in class!!!!Wahaha.... getting mad here.....semester is ending...bless all of us can do well for the final exams....though I know I wont be starting revising that early...I still miss TB25!!! Eve.Joc.Peiwen.LiQing.And ALL..I miss their voice...Somehow...I miss YANFANG....she is coming back soon...Yippeee...Things are getting better....hope it will last....I'm not bothering about things anymore....cos I really dont want to hurt people by being friendly and yet not in consideration of any other relationship....I am FREED!! I just dont like the feeling of being tied down by problems...I guess this is the first time I am able to be pessismistic about things....and I feel that I can do it...Always look on the bright side of life....thats my way of living and surviving...I'm feeling happier....Thanks to GIN's craziness....wahaha....Till then lo....I miss everyone....those from motorola too...Anqi must take care in China wor....And to all....Must be happy....I am HAPPY!!!!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Shopping Spreeeee
Today we went out together....Joc, Eve, Peiwen and ME....Really had fun with them....I really miss them lots...we went to town and they had lunch at pasta mania...hehe..cos i had brunch before...we chat alot while has been long since we chat together....Next we went to Plaza Singapura 'cos peiwen needs her stuff from face shop....and yar...finally PS got the stock available...we went shopping around PS...then peiwen left for her project to school....then joc.eve and me went to Marina square...there's alot of things in Marina...wanted to buy the bag...cos mine had already spoilt...its really not that i never take care of it wor...its just that I put too many things and too heavy thats why it tears....sadded....I bought it at $40....Shopping was really fun...we shopped till 5++ and we left...I went to meet up with my friend...but they were be I shopped at Citylink...nothing much there...then they say they wanna meet up at I went back to marina and shopped again while waiting for them...hehe...they reached around 6++ and we shopped for a little while...then I went home...I think they were there to wait for Jolin....hehe...I actually thought maybe I would also wanna wait for Jolin but she will be there at I left...'cos mum had cooked my dinner...if I dun go back...I will be nagged at bar....Yawns...need some sleep...legs are aching from all those shopping earlier then...need to do some stretching....if not tmr I'm sure I cant even stand....sleeping soon...tmr tutorial at 8am...hopefully the SOM tutorial wont be the usual boredom....bless me...till then lo...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Today I had 1.5 hrs of IBS tutorial and went to the library to read my unfinished storybook and ended borrowing another book I set my eyes on...dunno why I had this sudden desire of reading storybooks...maybe I feel quite lonely....cos din get to hang out that current class dont often have outing...they have their own TB25 they are busy with their projects and all...but having them makes me HAPPY!! We are going TOWN TMR!! Yippeee~!! I Loves THEM!! It has been real long since all of us get together...MISSES THEM!!! I have left out Guides...Haven been going back...cos their CCA is on a weekday...and I have most tutorials in the afternoon....Haiz...I Have been missing guiding lots...Especially CAMPFIRES!!! I enjoy THAT!! You know...we would always their to cheer for our BB GUIDES and being wild with those screaming and shoutings that we wont normally get to do at night...and after campfire we would gather at MAC to have dinner cum supper...chit chat till midnight then we go happening right?Not forgetting to say we would also be looking out for scouts...hehe....and it has been fun getting to know them...and I must say through guides I know alot of people out there...There is this 'Angel Boys' group from Pioneer Scouts that has been our favourites lookout among the guides...and that I get to know HanYang...though I dunno him well...but its nice knowing such person who have so much passion for music...I also got to know Jonathan and Joseph from ZhengHua(Fox) Scouts...they are nice people too...though we made alot of demands to the song leaders...hehe...Not only that...I also get to 'reunite' with my old pal in my primary school....Stanely of Bukit View scouts...he often bullied by his guides...poor thing...shall not mention the names they called him...I also meet my primary school mate Joyce at her school campfire...and she is in guides to see her when she was in ushering....what a coincidence...she's getting prettier...hehe...see... there's so many people I have met during my guiding days...and it has also enriched my life with skills that not taught in school curriculum...Thanks to the scouts though they no longer exist...but their company in those days really made guiding more fun...having combine training...having them teaching us about firewood...and having song session together...YESH!! Those are the best times and the times I get MAD...Since I got into Poly, MADNESS has never came across...maybe too old to be mad and get crazy...hehe...nevertheless poly life is still great...shoppings with friends are just so nice...we talked, chilled, buy clothes, nice right?? I beginning to appreciate life better....Though slimming is still a must and Exam Results must be current results just cant get me to any university...too many Cs....tsk tsk...Till then lo...REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO TOMMORROW!!! SHOPPING WITH EVE, JOC, MEL, PEIWEN!! So long never go out with THEM... ESP MEL AND JOC....I just has this STRONG BOND WITH TB25...I dunno why...but I JUST LOVE THEM!!
Today...Long Day...
I think I should make it a point to blog consistently least every feelings and things happened are all recorded...ever since I started blogging I stopped writing diary....see how technology affects me....hmmm...have been wanting to write on a topic...The Shape of Love....will start drafting it soon....but it will be in chinese....will translate it after I had come up with the chinese edition...think I will start after the exams bar....I thought that topic is quite interesting...cos different type of loves have different type of one-sided love=triangle.... I recently get in touch with my others friends whom I lost in touch after working at motorola...I get to chat with AnQi...My best buddy during my working days...she's always protecting my from being bullied...I will also listen to her pourings during breaks...she is now in china doing attachment....I miss her dearly.....I also get in touch with of the first production people I get to know when I was transfered to doing packaging...still as crappy as before....Friends really not easy to kept...and friendship really very fragile....and now I dont demand of more friends....but having few besties is enough...had chat with stacy and yanfang....both of them the lonesome one....wahaha....but im sure they wont abandoned me de....right? hehe...I knew it...cos we known each other since sec 1....and till now we had not even quarrel once....and they are the ones that makes me believe that true friendship does test was BAD....I did badly....I wrote rubbish and dunno what I am writing about....Im bound to fail it....cos I went blank when I saw the questions....BLESS ME!!! had 3 hrs free time before CRM lecture starts....had sushi for lunch...went to library and read some storybooks...I read 3 storybooks today...hehe....hadn't has fancy for storybooks since I was young...but now I find it interesting and gives me more knowledge through reading...I read those girl's storybook....though some were abit slutty and full of vulgarities... but I get to know the mentality of those people...and those things that I will never do in life... Life is so different for different people...the way the view life as....needless to say that we must enjoy life...I enjoyed life...with those ups and downs... having aiming to slim down is one of my biggest goal in life...cos the fats makes me look is to be a successful business woman...wahaha...this is my 2 biggest goal in life...Till then le...Crapping through this post...cos I have a motive to it....*winks...I Miss those I Loves!!! Loves= TB25, Fangz, Stacy, Motorola's friends, 5N1, Guides
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Vexed !
Today...I have serious MONDAY BLUES has been long since I last had it...Arghz....Really dragged my feet to school on Youth Day!! My sis are sleeping and there I am in school studying!! I dunno why I am being so vexed...projects dueing soon....and I haven even done it....OMG!!!! Things are not getting as I had expected....I just dont wanna do things that betrays what I feel...It is really difficult...I just want to be myself....I am a crying person....or should I say I tear easily...when my friends teared, my tears will also flow...what is worse...when I watch drama....I teared when the actresses and actor cried or even did something that really touches me deep...hmmm....and this maybe bad....I really dont dare to watch drama with my family...dont wanna let them see me tearing bar...abit embarrass....regarding to the previous post about the 'her' I think she is quite an obvious character in our class...I do not mean harm...but I just feel that way...Take me as a straight forward person bar....and I am really that...have been watching what I say since I started Year 3...really dun wanna any misunderstanding....Today...I had made up my mind about many things that has been distracting me the whole day...making me so restless...quiet...depressed...not concentrating during lecture....I am really weird today!!But its alrite le...Everything is over....I must jiayou....a short post here...till then lo...Miss all my friends...Nice to see Eveline and Melissa back from HK...the trip must be FUN!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! Take care Peeps~!!!
Click unicode encoding to view the chinese phrase of the post.....
PS:为什么人总是看不到眼前的幸福, 而要去追求那些虚幻的感情呢? 直到虚幻破灭才懂得自己真正要的是什么...
© Brigitte Khoo Jie Bin
Click unicode encoding to view the chinese phrase of the post.....
PS:为什么人总是看不到眼前的幸福, 而要去追求那些虚幻的感情呢? 直到虚幻破灭才懂得自己真正要的是什么...
© Brigitte Khoo Jie Bin
Saturday, July 01, 2006
I must JIA YOU~!
It has been long since I last blog lo...Hmmm..Have been really busy rushing report and projects...Im dying from all those...Brain cells dead...Common Test result was not satisfying...Come to say of test...I realise my classmates are really all so studious...They got really high marks...I shall work harder for it...Maybe I din work really hard for the test....I had been observing myself...wanting to find what character I really am...I realise I have serious mood swing recently...dunno why..always has the feeling of being vexed...and i really dunno what i am vexing about...thats the worst part...haiz...but i still like myself...cos i find that i can listen well to my friends...not that i am praising myself...but i really think so... to think...I really miss those days...whereby we tell each other our happiness and sorrows...sharing whatever secret we have during breaks...I miss them....and yar....I still realise I still have this problem of not able to express myself really well...I really dunno how to express myself well...haiz...talking about adapting to the new class...our class becomes really bonded after the workshop...but it also let me see the bossy ones....thinking that she is the biggest...commanding people to do this and that....she really gives me a real bad impression....hopefully she wont see this.... she is quite bias i can say or at least I feel it...and a real attention seeker person...arghz....cannot say things behind people's back...but i really feel like saying it out...and i cant be supressing whatever in my heart and pretending to befriend with her....better dont commend anymore le....afterall my class is still not bad...get to know them really adds laughter in this year 3....though i still like my TB25 LOTS!! It is not that I cant adapt to it...but really sometimes it is gotta do with the people and their mindset...I believe I will get through this...and I know I will get to see more positive side of this least we are all enthusiastic people....looking forward to our next class outing lo....Till then...have been watch "It started with a Kiss" till 3am this few days....Im finishing it today!!!
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